When Rich and I made the decision to transition to full-time RV living in 2022, I had never traveled, camped, or slept in an RV.
I love to travel but one of the things I don’t like about traveling is not having my “stuff” with me. If I had the core items I rely upon with me at all times, travel would be something I could do for long periods of time, even years.
Well, living full-time in an RV allows for just that. I will always have my “stuff” with me as I travel the explore the country. That thought was enough for me to know in my heart that I would love the RV lifestyle without ever having experienced it.
When we rented the Thor Chateau 28a Class C Motorhome to attend the 2021 RV Entrepreneur’s Summit in Montrose, Colorado, it was going to be the very first time I (and Sherman) would have any experience in an RV and I was excited. I didn’t have any doubts that I would not like and it and subsequently, change my mind about full-time RVing. Nor was relying on this one experience to confirm to me that I made the correct decision. I was embarking on the adventure to simply have the adventure.
As you will see early in the video, after three hours of driving, I never wanted to go home. And, after five days of boondocking (living in the RV without electric, water, or sewer hookups) I still did not want to go home.
The confirmation or validation I received from my trip was not whether I would like RV living, but instead whether I had finally learned to trust and honor my gut, my intuition. I am happy that I learned, after nearly 55 years of living, my gut is to be trusted, always.
The Summit
The 2021 RV Entreprunue Summit was a wonderful experience. Heath and Alyssa Padgett are building a wonderful campground in Montrose, Colorado and that was the home for this year’s summit. The campground is still under construction but we were able, along with 46 or so other rigs, able to boondock on the property.
Learn more about the Health & Alyssa and The RV Entrepreneur HERE.
For five days, Rich, Sherman, and I met other RVers and learned their stories, enjoyed quality time with Sherman (who loved and settled into the RV lifestyle wonderfully), and had the opportunity to learn about various aspects of living and working on the road from full-time RV entrepreneurs. The sense of community we experienced was probably the biggest surprise and most treasured memory. I now know when we hit the road full-time next year I will become a member of a community of nomad entrepreneurs, all seeking to find their joy in RV living and working. I felt at home with everyone, although I had was not, technically, one of them just yet. I am looking to so many things once our RV adventure begins and being a member of this community is one that I look forward to the most.
The RV
We rented the Thor Chateau 28a RV from an El Monte RV dealer in Littleton, Colorado. The entire experience was quick and easy and the staff was knowledgeable and helpful.
Although the Class C had no slides and was quite narrow, our five days were wonderful and I really did not feel cramped. Would I live full-time in that RV, no? Would I rent one again for a short trip, yes, for sure? Sherman was a bit cramped due to the narrow walkway through the dining and sitting area but he figured it out and truly enjoyed his adventure. Check out the video for the full tour.
Renting an RV for a short trip is a wonderful way to experience RV living and I highly recommend it to those who are curious if they will like it. Only Class A and Class C RVs are available for rent but experiences in either of those will give you a great feel for the RV life.
Although I did not need the trip to confirm my choice to live full-time in an RV, I am happy I had the experience. I now am even more excited to start our new adventure and I have more experience than I would have if we had not rented the RV and attended the Summit.
We have taken Sherman on long roads trips throughout his life and he loved them. Just this year he went to Glenwood Springs and Michigan, and Montrose was to be his last trip of the year until our full-time RV adventure next year.
He loved the trip to Montrose and had the opportunity to meet other RV doggies and humans and even sit in on most of the classes with us. He sat by the fire, explored the campground, and took in all the smells. He was a very happy dog.
In a heartbreaking turn of events, Sherman left us four days after we arrived home from our trip. He was thirteen, an old guy, was virtually blind and deaf, had back leg issues, but still was a happy and, so we thought, healthy dog that walked over a mile every day. We discovered he had a tumor in his nasal respiratory track and that was something he could not recover from.
We are devastated and can’t imagine leaving on our full-time RV adventure without him, but now will need to come to terms with the fact he will not be joining us. He will, however, be there in spirit for sure. Sherman the Wonder Dog will forever live on in our hearts and we will never, ever, forget him and the great joy he brought us.
discover. cook. enjoy.