In June 2022, Rich and I will embark on an incredible journey: living, working, and cooking full-time in a fifth-wheel RV. We are so excited about this adventure and are thrilled for you to join along.
In addition to our two gluten-free cooking videos each week, we will be chronicling our “preparing for full-time RV living” journey with videos and blog posts via our YouTube channel and website. Each Sunday, we will release a new RV video and many of them will rig tour videos as we tour rigs and start to narrow down our choices.
We are 99.9% certain the rig will be a fifth-wheel but we do not know at this time, which one we will choose. We do have quite a boxes each our ultimate choice will need to check off. Like looking for a sticks and bricks home, we realize one rig will not check ALL our boxes but we think we can come fairly close. Here are wants and needs in a rig:
A large and well-appointed kitchen
We cook 95% of everything we eat so we will be spending quite a bit of time in our kitchen. And, we shoot two cooking videos each week and need a great kitchen to work in.
A dedicated workspace for me
As a graphic designer, I spend my days on my desktop computer and three large monitors. I don’t need more than a slide-width desk but it would need to be dedicated and not a situation where I would need to break down my system all the time.
A non-dedicated workspace for Rich.
He works on a laptop but also has a huge monitor he uses for editing so a space where he can work is important. Sometimes he will work on his laptop outside, on the couch, or at a table so he is very flexible.
Lots of storage. Rich loves to cycle and we will most like be getting a kayak or paddleboard and both those things need space. I am also an artist and will be attending shows around the country and need space for my paintings and supplies. And of course, we will need space for our outlook kitchen gear: smoker, grill, pizza oven, prep tables, and Blackstone griddle.
about all else are a washer and dryer. Unfortunately, I have many allergies to chemicals, and using public washing machines is not an option.
With all these things in consideration, we found some rigs we thought may check some of the boxes and toured them to find out if they would indeed be a contender.

Our first RV video is our tour of Grand Design’s Momentum 381M toy hauler. We thought the garage area would make a great office and painting space but we were skeptical of the kitchen space. To find out what we thought of the rig, watch the video below.
Click here for more information about Grand Design’s Momentum 381M.
Thank you so much for joining us on our journey! We look forward to what’s ahead.
discover. cook. enjoy.